GAIAR, SAS with a capital of 1,123 400 €, registered in the Angoulême Trade and Companies Register under the number 820 961 589, whose head office is located at 70 rue Jean Doucet, 16470 Saint-Michel.
Legal notice
SAS with capital of € 10,069,020
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE Code 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Intellectual property
All porgrams, texts, sounds, images, logos, trademarks (either words or devices), interfaces, screens, that are present on the Service are protected by the French Intellectual Property laws and by International Conventions on Intellectual Property.
The general structure of the platform and all the other elements it is made of (other than the contents belonging to the right-holders) such as text, illustrations, logos, names, designations, thumbnails, caracteristics, functionalities, images, audio clips, information, collected data, photographies, graphs, videos, writing fonts, diagrams, music, sounds and other materials and softwares are the exclusive property of GAIAR, and are protected by copyrights, trademark laws, business secrecy, or any other right on intangible property subjected to law and reglementation.
Any total or partial reproduction and/or representation by any means, without prior express consent from GAIAR, from the Platform and/or from its composing elements, is forbidden.
Likewise, any total or partial reproduction and/or representation and/or modification of Contents, without prior express consent from GAIAR, is strictly forbidden, unless it does not exeed free and private representations, withing a private circle of family, this being subjected of technical compatibility, and except express consent from the right-holder.
Furthermore, the User is not allowed to modify, improve, edit, translate, adapt, inverse conception, decompile, disassemble, or create derived works based on Content made available by GAIAR, or else alter totally or partially, except with express written consent by the Right-holder.
Data base
Databases are protected. Any extraction or attempted extraction, total or partial, is likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of any offender.
The site uses “cookies”. These files which are stored on your computer help us facilitate your access to the services we offer. The site’s “cookies” do not contain personal identifying data, and they are only used for the proper functioning of these sites. We inform you that you can oppose the registration of these “cookies” by configuring your computer.
Limitation of liability
Any visitor or user of the sites is deemed to have read the rules of operation of a website.
The information provided through the websites is general and informative.
GAIAR reserves the right to modify the content of its sites at any time and without prior notice.
The information provided by the sites, the links to other websites or resources on the Internet offered by the sites does not engage the responsibility of GAIAR.
Moreover, the use or interpretation of the data provided on the sites or links suggested by the sites can not in any case replace the analysis of each particular case made by a professional. GAIAR declines all responsibility for the use or interpretation of the data provided on the sites or links proposed by the sites.
GAIAR can not guarantee that this information is complete, nor that it will not be modified by a third party independently of its will (piracy, virus).
Furthermore, GAIAR accepts no responsibility with regard to any exchanges posted on the sites between users, the expressed opinions by the users only engage their authors.
Accessibility to the site and connection
GAIAR is committed to making the best efforts to ensure accessibility to its websites for the users.
The direct or indirect responsibility of GAIAR can not be committed in case of inaccessibility to the sites, interruption or unavailability of the service. It is the same in case of service interruption resulting from a failure of the telephone network or the Internet access provider of the user or the incompatibility of the user’s equipment.
It is specified that for maintenance, updating, and for any other technical reason, access may be interrupted. GAIAR is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user.
IDs and passwords
An ID and password will be required to access certain services on the sites. These identifiers and passwords will be sent to you by GAIAR; they are confidential, personal, non-transferable and incommunicable. The user is responsible for the storage and consequences of the use of his username and password. It is the user’s responsibility to take all necessary measures to ensure their storage and security. GAIAR can not under any circumstances be held responsible for any fraudulent use of these identifiers and passwords.
Links to other sites
GAIAR offers on its website links to other sites. These links are established in agreement with the concerned sites at the discretion of GAIAR, considering the contents and services of these sites at a given moment.
The links set up on the site to outside sites can not engage the responsibility of GAIAR for their content, advertising, products and services available on or from the sites linked to the site, and as to the use that may be done by the users.
Event planning
Information about events or happenings to their participants are shared by the sites for information purpose and updated as fast as possible. GAIAR reponsability cannot be engaged in case of erroneous information.
Personal informations
GAIAR commits to observing the current legislation for the protection of privacy with regards to the procession of personal data, in particular the law on “information technology and individual freedom” n° 78-17, January 6th 1978 regarding information technology, files and freedom and the Reglementation (EU) 2016/679, April 27th 2016 on the protection of individuals with regards to the procession of private data and the free movement of data (DPGR).
GAIAR policy of personal information protection is further detailed in the General Condition of Use document (GCU).
According to the Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, modified regarding information technology, files and freedom and DPRG, the User is entitled to the following rights :
- Update or delete data via the GAIAR account,
- exercice his right to access to know personal data concerning him,
- ask for the correction of data, if they are inaccurate,
- ask for data portability or deletion,
- ask for the deletion of the GAIAR account,
- ask for the limitation of data processing,
- object for legitimate reasons the processing of data.
You can exercise these different rights either by modifying the settings of the GAIAR account, or directly to the Delegate for Data Protection, Mr. Emmanuel BRULAVOINE, by regular mail at the address : GAIAR, 78 rue Blanqui, 33330 Bordeaux, France or by email at the address
For security purpose, and in order to avoid any fraudulent request, an identity proof must be joined to your request. This proof will be destroyed once your request has been dealt with.